Các chương tŕnh kiểm nghiệm mă hóa trong Kinh thánh.
1. Torah4u Miễn phí http://home.mindspring.com/~anpin
Jarczyk's Bible Codes (version 1.5.002, new 5/03/99) Miễn
phí: http://www.herbert-meinen.de
2. Torah Codes 2000 (4/01/99)
$79.00 plus $5.00 shipping, at <http://www.jewishsoftware.com/>
or call 800-925-6853
3. Unlocking the Bible Codes (version 2.0 new 2/01/99)
$59.95, now on sale for $29.95 plus $10.00
shipping.: http://www.unlockingthebiblecodes.com
or at http://www.dokonet.com. Telephone orders to: 1-800-265-7423.
4. Bible Decoder (version 2.0, new 10/01/99)
http://www.bibledecoder.com New
version 2.0 now shipping, $69.95 on CD, $59.95 as download, and $10 for
upgrade. or by telephone to: +972-4-8246543 or
+972-4-8346756. FAX orders to: +972-4-8242930. Mail orders to: GraphoNET Ltd;
67 Disraeli Street; PO Box 7234; Haifa 31071 Israel. E-MAIL them at: info@bibledecoder.com mailto: info@bibledecoder.com.
5. A.B.C. Decoder (new 12/02/99)
$14.95. http://www.biblecodesplus.com
and e-mail: milon@aquanet.co.il
Telephone orders to +972 3 536 4383
6. Bible Codes 2000 (release July 2001)
$49.95 + shipping. E-mail milon@aquanet.co.il
7. CodeFinder: Millennium Edition (new version 1.22, on
May 26, 2002)
$67.95 plus $4.00 s&h. http://www.starnet.com.au/research/codes/codefind.html
or the mirror site at: http://www.research-systems.com/codes/codefind.html.
Fax orders to +61 3 9228 1966.
Để so sánh giữa các chương tŕnh xin quư vị thăm đọc tham
khảo tại http://ad2004.com/prophecytruths/Articles/codessoftware.html